Radiant Renewal

Freedom from Pain through Cranial Sacral and Medical Massage Therapies

About Janet McCann, BA, CMT

I have a BA in Psychology, am a Certified Massage Therapist and Cranial Sacral Therapist through the Colorado School of Healing Arts, and have been practicing in Colorado for over 2 years. I am inspired to be a part of this  profession, that is both on the cutting edge and as ancient as man himself, so that I can give back  all that I have received over the years from healers of many modalities. Through my studies and exposure to Jungian psychotherapy, meditation, and various modalities of energywork and bodywork, I bring in a unique integration of helping  and guiding you to toward health and healing of body and soul. I love aiding people in resolving chronic and everyday body pains as well as  as helping them let go of trauma held in the body through accidents and/or holding onto emotional pain.

I have also trained and received certification in Medical Massage and Lymphatic Drainage. When you come in to see me, we can talk and I can assess what you need, and provide a well rounded treatment to suit you. The combination of these two modalities are wonderful in treating common and chronic ailments such as frozen shoulder, shin splints, low back issues, etc and also provides support in post surgical healing.

My particular passion is Cranial Sacral Therapy because although quite gentle, the effects are often profound and broadly effective. I use CST on everything from migraine headaches, nervous system disorders and aggravations, to healing from physical and emotional traumas.

Personally, I am a mother of a preteen, rapidly approaching the teenage years and have a particiular sensitivity for helping children with ADHD, digestive, and Nervous System issues through Cranial Sacral Therapy. I have helped my own daughter, as well as other children, using this gentle and non-invasive technique and they really seem to like it.

I have an ongoing meditation practice, love the outdoors, and the spectacular beauty of the Colorado Mountains. You will always find me finding a way to enjoy a sunny day!

In Health and Gratitude,




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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